Drivers Barco Mice & Touchpads


  1. Drivers Barco Mice For Sale
  2. Drivers Barco Mice Vs

This article applies to the following products:

The latest driver version for the Barco MXRT Display Controller models can be found on the Barco website

Please note that you will need a myBarco account to download drivers. You can find instructions on how to create a myBarco account in KnowledgeBase article [KB6390].


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BarcoSaleDrivers Barco Mice & touchpads drivers
  1. Login to the Barco website using your myBarco account.
  2. Search for the display controller model in the search bar.
    (older display controller models can also be entered in the search bar)
  3. On the product page, scroll down to the technical support tab.
  4. In this section, the driver software (see left section) and the user guide of the display controller model (see right section) can be downloaded
  5. Click on Download file

    N.B: Previous driver versions for this display controller model can be downloaded in Version History.


Touchpad driver support Synaptics' TouchPad device drivers are customized and supported by notebook manufacturers to meet specific driver requirements for their individual products. To ensure the appropriate driver for your device, always use the driver your specific notebook OEM supports.

Drivers Barco Mice For Sale



Drivers Barco Mice Vs

Last updated Aug 30 2019

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